La ‘bonne gouvernance’ et les pays en développement : le cas des politiques de santé au Gabon


  • Bruno Boidin Université de Lille


good governance, international institutions, health, Gabon


From the Gabonese experience, this article studies the way international pressures about “good governance” have an impact on the organization and the functioning of the health system in a developing country. At first governance and good governance are defined under a critical point of view. Then we present the influence of the topic “governance” in the evolution of political announcements and programmes of public health in Gabon. Finally we try to demonstrate the disconnection between announcements and reforms. The conclusion discusses the relevance of the good governance agenda.



How to Cite

Boidin, B. (2024). La ‘bonne gouvernance’ et les pays en développement : le cas des politiques de santé au Gabon. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 8(1). Retrieved from