Ethique et aide à la santé pour les pays pauvres


  • Bruno Boidin Université Lille


development aid, health, ethics


In this article we try to show that in spite of the introduction of ethical issues in aid for health, different approaches of aid still coexist. The conception of health as an economic good dominates among those approaches. In a first step we examine the macro level of health aid to put emphasis on the coexistence of two approaches: the human rights approach and the global public goods approach. The weaknesses of the second one are discussed. In a second step we examine the micro and meso level. The donors try to go beyond the limits of the global public goods approach by promoting cooperative mechanisms. This ethics of cooperation is built on a win-win framework. The theoretical and empirical limits of this framework are examined.


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How to Cite

Boidin, B. (2012). Ethique et aide à la santé pour les pays pauvres. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 9(2). Retrieved from