Le travail et la responsabilité morale dans le secteur du travail et la population active mexicaine.



responsibility, poverty, Rawls


Rawls argues that goods should be distributed homogeneously among individuals, however, this would assume that individuals have homogeneous levels of responsibility. Some authors have criticized Rawls on this point, such as Bonvin and Farvaque, who argue that responsibility is not homogeneous in a society. In the present article we show that indeed the level of responsibility in the Mexican labor sector is not distributed in the same way. We have separated the responsibility of the labor context (RF) and the responsibility of the worker (RL). We found that there are different levels of liability for both RL and RF in the three categories of liability: ex-post liability, ex-ante liability and autrui liability. With these data, we verify on the one hand the statement of Bonvin and Farvaque. On the other hand, we see that the low levels of autrui responsibility (0.35) and ex-ante responsibility (0.75) of the labor context, as well as the ex-post responsibility of the worker, prevent the precariousness and poverty conditions of this sector of the population from improving.


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How to Cite

Herrera Rendón Nebel, M. T. (2024). Le travail et la responsabilité morale dans le secteur du travail et la population active mexicaine. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 21(1), 40–67. Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/382



Research articles