L’éthique de la discussion : Portée et limites des propositions de Karl-Otto Apel


  • Christian Mahieu Université de Lille


K.O. Apel, ethics of discussion, business ethics, responsibility, dialogue, deliberative process


Management sciences and corporate practices of companies bring extensive views on the ethics and the corporate responsibility. The practical experiments try to build, and to make appropriate themselves to itself by the actors of companies, the deontological ethics governed by principles. Dialogue and deliberation are the political frame given to this construction. A question seems then central, that of the ultimate rational foundation of the morality and its normative contents. K.O. Apel’s propositions concerning his ethics of the discussion founded in a pragmatico-transcendental way seems to me to allow an essential advance on the subject. According to Apel, this foundation should supply: 1) The bases of an ultimate rational foundation of the morality and its normative contents, 2) The bases of the universal validity of a principle of justice, solidarity and co responsibility, 3) The bases of an ethics of the responsibility, but not an deontological ethics, governed by principles which could come to complete and to legitimize socio-organizational processes and systems of relations which, placed in a new ethical context, could continue. In this article, I try to show in what K.O. Apel’s propositions allow to enrich a reflection opened by the research works in business ethics and in organizational behavior.


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How to Cite

Mahieu, C. (2024). L’éthique de la discussion : Portée et limites des propositions de Karl-Otto Apel. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 10(1). Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/241



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