Méritocratie, humiliation, souffrance, épreuves, et « élites multiples ». Une mise en dialogue de contributions récentes
meritocracy, emotions, trials, Solow paradox, food consumptionAbstract
The approach followed in this contribution takes up a methodology already developed previously (Requier-Desjardins 2017), namely the dialogue of some recent contributions, whose simultaneity creates a space for debate that can be assumed in connection with a particular social situation. On the one hand, we put into relation the criticism of the meritocratic ideal, dominant in our market economies, which refers to the debate on justice theories, and the consideration of an emotional approach to economic behavior that allows us to pose, beyond the mere consideration of well-being, the question of sufering generated by this predominance of reference to merit. This dialogue concerns contributions which are both theoretical approaches and approaches based on empirical data, and which will lead us to raise the question of the contribution of this dialogue to the analysis of sectoral dynamics, namely in information technology or food sectors.
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