Amartya Sen et la stratégie du Blob



Capability, Theory, Justice, Freedom


In this article, we emphasize that, despite the often trenchant assertions of certain commentators on capability, Amartya Sen did indeed construct a theory of capability. We also underline he constructed a theory of justice. And that in the latter, capabilities are destined to play a central role. It is therefore a scientific research program in the Lakatos sense that Sen is developing. In asserting the contrary, Sen himself is using a strategy of overcoming other theories by engulfing them, making other theories special cases of his own theory. We call this the Blob strategy. However, this program is based on a conception of freedom that confuses a free person with a person with freedoms. In this sense, capability is a weak version of the capacity proposed by Ricoeur.


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How to Cite

Mahieu, F.-R., & Ballet, J. (2024). Amartya Sen et la stratégie du Blob. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 21(1), 94–103. Retrieved from



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