Concilier justice sociale, environnementale et climatique. Sen et Rawls



Social justice, environmental justice, intergenerational justice, global justice, climate negociations, Rawls, Sen


The capabilities approach of Amartya Sen and that of primary social goods of John Rawls have considerably renewed welfare economics and opened new perspectives in terms of social justice. The objective of this article is to show that the two approaches also provide a conceptual framework for thinking environmental justice in line with the claims of the social movements that gave rise to this expression. On the one hand, it is a question of making the voices of the disadvantaged who accumulate social and environmental inequalities heard; Rawls and Sen refer to a “government by discussion”. On the other hand, to think about the environment on a more global scale, by taking into account, in deliberations, future generations (intergenerational equity), poorest countries and most vulnerable ones to climate change (climat justice). 50 years after the publication of A Theory of justice, we show that Rawlsian tools and principles, enriched by criticisms, allow us to raise equity on the level of international relations and to offer a normative framework to international negotiation on climate.


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Author Biographies

Ernest Mbonda

Professeur (Université catholique d’Afrique centrale, Cameroun et Université de Moncton, Canada)

Rima Hawi

MCF-HDR (UMI Source, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)


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How to Cite

Mbonda, E., & Hawi, R. (2023). Concilier justice sociale, environnementale et climatique. Sen et Rawls. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 20(1), 21–42. Retrieved from



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