Leadership for the Common Good on Economic and Administrative Students in the State of Queretaro, Mexico.
Palabras clave:
Leadership for the Common Good, Technological Universities, Economic and Administrative Students, actions for the common goodResumen
The Technological University of Querétaro (UTEQ) is one of the most important schools in the state of Querétaro in technological innovation training, educating the future leaders who will lead the development of the state. In this sense, it is crucial to note the necessity to improve the social development that guides leaders towards common good actions. This research started by studying leadership characteristics for the common good, resulting in 132 items clustered into an ideal state that indicates what the person considers themselves to be and then the real state, in which a criterion associated with concrete actions is established. Leadership for the common good is based on eleven dimensions: Solidarity, Logic of the Gift, Self-Control, Collaboration, Sustainability, Responsibility, Flourishing, Congruence, Resilience, Management, and Justice. A sample of 465 students was obtained from UTEQ. The results showed that there is a positive self-assessment in different dimensions of leadership for the common good; however, in a more detailed analysis, it is shown that there is a gap between the ideal and the real item scores, suggesting that positive self-assessment is not corresponding with concrete actions, so leadership lacks practicality. Accordingly, it is essential to do longitudinal research and establish a model to drive leadership for the common good at UTEQ.
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