Environmental Sustainability and the Nexus of Economic Principles and Jewish Thought


  • Rebecca Lee Harris University of South Florida St. Petersburg
  • Rabbi Ed Rosenthal Executive Director and Campus Rabbi, Hillels of the Florida Suncoast

Palabras clave:

environmental sustainability, economics, Jewish ethics, Torah, Talmud


The purpose of this paper is to show that the economic ideas related to environmental sustainability are consistent with centuries of Jewish thought on the matter, as seen through Torah, Rabbinic commentaries, Kabbalah, and other teachings. In particular, we examine 5 economic principles for moving society toward a more sustainable path: the full cost principle; the cost-effectiveness principle; the property rights principle; the sustainability principle; and the information principle. After explaining each economic principle, we relate it to Jewish texts and teachings. Even though the Jewish thinkers of old did not face the same environmental challenges present in modern times, their writings are consistent with the economic proscriptions that can help achieve environmental sustainability today.


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Cómo citar

Lee Harris, R., & Rosenthal , R. E. (2024). Environmental Sustainability and the Nexus of Economic Principles and Jewish Thought. ÉTICA, ECONOMÍA & BIEN COMÚN, 15(2). Recuperado a partir de https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/336



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