Entrepreneurial action for the common good


  • Guillermo J. Larios-Hernandez


Business Model, Common Good, Entrepreneurship, Institutional Work


In today's complex and pluralistic society, the construction of the common good poses a significant challenge for researchers, think tanks, and policymakers. Some propose a re-evaluation of the fundamental role of existing organizations, while others advocate for the promotion of bottom-up initiatives, including community leadership and mission-oriented entrepreneurships, as a means to address social issues. This latter perspective conceptualizes new ventures as entities designed to contribute to the common good through the creation and implementation of innovative business models that redefine institutional functions, changing the rules of social interaction. Building on prior research, we propose a cyclical entrepreneurial process for achieving the common good. This process is marked by the establishment of organizational freedoms, relational mechanisms embedded in business model-driven governance, instability, and combined circumstances of justice and injustice. Our approach indicates a paradigm shift in the conceptualization of the development of the common good, involving an alternative that deviates from both the collective and the purely libertarian viewpoints on social organization, which aims to influence habits, power structures, and relationships to create a more conducive environment for humanity.


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How to Cite

Larios-Hernandez, G. J. (2025). Entrepreneurial action for the common good. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 21(2), 23–46. Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/404



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