Una relectura de la noción de bien común y su relación con la economía


  • Octavio Groppa Universidad Católica Argentina


Common good, Bernard Lonergan, Catholic Social Thought, Ethics, Values, Aristotle, Aquinas


The notion of common good is frequently used in a broad or vague sense. Actually, it is a complex concept which is hard to define. Having been born in a classical era, many authors think it is attached to (and dependent on) a metaphysical mindset which will never be assumed again. To those scholars, the very concept should be abandoned from the standpoint of a modern political or social scientist. In this context, the goal of this work is to offer a reinterpretation of the notion for our times. We revise its origin in the thought of Aristotle and Aquinas, as well as its path in some modern catholic philosophers, such as Rosmini, Taparelli and Pesch. Then, a summary of some contemporary trends related to the issue is offered, namely, the Discourse Ethics, the Capabilities Approach or the Civil Economy. The final section explains the main features of Bernard Lonergan’s treatment of the matter.
His notion of good of order and his definition of the structure of the good are presented, ending with some notes on the conditions that an economy should meet to enable an effective realization of the common good, which he developed in his economic writings.


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How to Cite

Groppa, O. (2024). Una relectura de la noción de bien común y su relación con la economía. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 11(2). Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/273



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