Politique agricole et capabilités : quel degré de compatibilité ?


  • Thierry Pouch Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne


Capabilités, justice, politique agricole


Early awareness by famine in 1948 in India, Amartya Sen has produced many works on issues of social justice and economic ethics. “Capabilities” are of this view a flagship concept of his theory. The economist believes that the difficulties encountered by an individual to access to food that are not related to insufficient amounts of food. These difficulties are closely correlated to the institutional mechanisms that are intended to bring capacity to live better. Taking the food issue seriously, Sen said nothing on the way to reduce the constraints on the conditions of access to food. This article aims to see how the “capabilities” are compatible with the agricultural policy, and what is the degree of compatibility? Such an exercise has limits that it will bring to light.


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How to Cite

Pouch, T. (2024). Politique agricole et capabilités : quel degré de compatibilité ?. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 14(1). Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/322



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