La question de l'équité dans le cas du changement climatique


  • Fabrice Flipo


Equity is one of the main cross-cutting issues revolving around climate-change negociations. This paper starts with exposing the state of debate and state of negociations about equity. It is almost exclusively analysed through an economic lens, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions allocation quotas between countries (“ burden sharing ”). This paper tries to show the insufficiencies of the current debate, which holds primarily in three points: narrowness of the economic standpoint, the ignorance about results and insights coming other fields of analyis, and the historical and conceptual context in which the difficulty arises. We try to show the urgency to widen the debate and to think the problem in terms of joint definition of a global project. The question of climate change cannot be solved only by the climate convention. We conclude by evoking what could be an international mode implying the developing countries.


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How to Cite

Flipo, F. (2024). La question de l’équité dans le cas du changement climatique. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 2(1). Retrieved from



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