L’entreprise légale-mafieuse : efficience ou éthique?


  • Clotilde Champeyrache Université Paris 8, LED


efficiency, ethics, institutionalism, legal-economic nexus, mafia


This paper offers an institutional approach to the problems raised by Mafia infiltration of legitimate businesses. It contributes to an economic theory that reconnects economics, law and ethics. It demonstrates that the efficiency criterion alone is not sufficient to correctly analyze the nature and consequences of Mafia infiltration on economies and societies. On the contrary, the reintroduction of ethics enables a better understanding of the phenomenon to the point that law – driven by ethical and not only efficiency considerations – is a necessary tool for those wanting to fight against the destruction of legal economies by Mafiosi.



How to Cite

Champeyrache, C. (2024). L’entreprise légale-mafieuse : efficience ou éthique?. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 12(1). Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/367



Research articles