L’entreprise familiale est-elle corrompue ?


  • Thierry Coville NOVANCIA Business School, Chercheur associé à l‟IRIS


family businesses, corruption


Is family business corrupt? Since the Enron and WorldCom cases, there has been a growing interest in corruption in the corporate world. A large number of studies having demonstrated that Family Businesses (FB) are the most important forms of organization in the business world, it seemed logical to look at the relationship between FB and corruption. FB being supposed to be concerned by human relationships and to focus on the long term, they should not be concerned by these questions. Nevertheless, the literature underlines that FB could be organizations able to corrupt the political system. Besides, FB could have organizational characteristics that would make it prone to be related to corruption cases.



How to Cite

Coville, T. (2015). L’entreprise familiale est-elle corrompue ?. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 12(1). Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/363



Research articles