Introduire le concept de personne en économie ? Des capabilités au care : réciprocité et responsabilité


  • Sophie Swaton Université de Lausanne


Capabilities, care, personalism, reciprocity, responsability


The concept of person has not been studied so far in economic. Instead the theory refers to an egoistic individual able to calculate and to predict the actions. Nevertheless, some recent studies (Loty et al. 2014; Ballet et al. 2014) have just intended to introduce the concept of person in economics. According to some authors, the person can be defined by its ability to assume its responsibilities, beyond Sen’s approach of capabilities. Others authors highlight a person's dehumanization, and seek to complete the reconciliation of reason, morality, responsibility and freedom. These studies offer a methodological viewpoint and a way to re-humanize the person. However none explore the link to care as an ethics neither a more socio-economic approach that could challenge the hegemony of the market as an economic integration principle. This is precisely what we aim to do in this communication: we seek to develop our own definition of the personalist philosophy connected to the care in ethics and the vulnerability and aiming empowerment.


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How to Cite

Swaton, S. (2024). Introduire le concept de personne en économie ? Des capabilités au care : réciprocité et responsabilité. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 14(1). Retrieved from



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