Territoire post-industriel en transition: entre vulnérabilité contemporaine et résilience territoriale. Les cas de Manchester et de Charleroi


  • Jérémy Cenci Université de Mon
  • J-A Pouleu Université de Lille
  • V Becue Université de Mons


vulnerability, territorial resilience, conversion, brownfield sites, territory in transition


Post-industrial territorial vulnerability means that strategic decisions must be made in terms of rehabilitating, re-categorising and/or demolishing existing structures, and this may target individual buildings, entire neighbourhoods, or even the zone as a whole. The research targets the issues involved in re-categorising the derelict land in Val-de-Sambre on the Franco-Belgian border from the
industrial period (1850–1950) to today, the aim being to change its image by incorporating the territorial resilience paradigm. For several decades now, the collective unconscious has viewed the area, symbolised by its two main urban centres (Charleroi and Maubeuge), as grim and shabby. Could resilience point the way to a future for the traditional industrial regions of Europe (régions
européennes de tradition industrielle – R.E.T.I.)?


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How to Cite

Cenci, J., Pouleu, J.-A., & Becue, V. (2024). Territoire post-industriel en transition: entre vulnérabilité contemporaine et résilience territoriale. Les cas de Manchester et de Charleroi. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 11(1). Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/265



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