Effet des pratiques d’adaptation au changement climatique sur le revenu agricole : cas des riziculteurs en contrat de métayage à Korhogo au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire



adaptation strategies, climate change, rice farmers, Korhogo, ivory coast


The article focuses on the effect of climate change adaptation practices on the gross income of Natio-Kobadara and Lataha rice farmers under sharecropping contracts in Korhogo. The data comes from a survey of rice-growing households cultivating several sharecropping plots. We estimate a random effects model with instrumental variables to account for endogeneity bias. The results reveal that the protection and fertilization of the soil, the modification of the cropping calendar and the agriculture/livestock combination cannot be used to cope with the adverse effects of climate change on the incomes of rice farmers in Natio-Kobadara and Lataha in sharecropping contract. The Marshallian ineffectiveness associated with these adaptation strategies comes either from adaptation measures that are inappropriate to the study area, or from adaptation measures that would be similar to agroecological practices which, naturally, are accompanied in a first, a drop in income. In addition, the low fertilization of the soil due to the importance of nitrogen losses, either by volatilization, or by denitrification, or washed away by irrigation water, produces a reduction in income. A state policy to build the capacity of rice farmers to adapt to climatic hazards can help improve agricultural income.


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How to Cite

Tano Assi, M., Koffi N’Goran, C., & Tionkoli Silue, B. (2024). Effet des pratiques d’adaptation au changement climatique sur le revenu agricole : cas des riziculteurs en contrat de métayage à Korhogo au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 20(2), 8–24. Retrieved from https://journal.upaep.mx/index.php/EthicsEconomicsandCommonGoods/article/view/253



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