La justicia positiva en el poder global


  • Carmen Adriana Santander García Universidad de Valladolid


justice, world government, cosmopolitan democracy, Westphalian model


Is it possible to carry out social and economic policies in the global sphere similar to those the welfare state carries out inside their territories? To answer this question we will consider the theoretical model that political philosophy based on realism presents for international relations, and see from a Habermasian perspective the adequacy of this model in regards to the globalization context within which we live. Noting the solutions that this model offers in the face of the problem of positive justice, and considering them insufficient, we will take into account cosmopolitan democracy as another option, and we will explain some of the limitations that Habermas notes for this model.


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How to Cite

Santander García, C. A. (2024). La justicia positiva en el poder global. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 8(1). Retrieved from