La résilience, moyen et fin d’un développement durable ?


  • Benoît Lallau UMR Clersé-CNRS


Resilience, social ecological system, vulnerability, capability, socially sustainable development


Interest for the concept of resilience is growing within development studies, facing climate change and other environmental risks. It has been first studied by the social ecological systems researchers. However we need, first to analyze the relevance and scope of this
concept at the micro level, second to focus on the links between resilience and sustainable development. Our framework integrates the capability approach and an economic analysis of risk management, and stresses on the individual abilities to prevent risks and to cope with shocks. It leads to consider the possibility of consider resilience as an end of sustainable development. This raises two major difficulties, relating to the complexity of the individual agencies’ analysis and to the articulation of these agencies with collective dynamics.


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How to Cite

Lallau, B. (2024). La résilience, moyen et fin d’un développement durable ?. Ética, economía Y Bienes Comunes, 8(1). Retrieved from